
e-mail info@gardenius.com  Twitter account @EUROPE_ID our approach


 the 2019 elections to the EU Parliament


    TO GARDENIUS biotop and ex-botanical garden
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  To reality of the EU political framwork
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      We live privately but participate in a political context 
both perspectives are connected in a historically unique configuration
Rule of Law is to be enjoyed by each EU citizen. We show how you should belive in the the EU values and rules and see how it should improve my and your life.
    We continue to pay for the house and the garden in order to maintain the biotope. What solution is our landlord and the Board of the Wunderer Privatstiftung able to offer us.


The EU elections will take place in May 2019, We EU citizens we want, In the British manner, to exercise the basic democratic rights, to know how our Members of the EU Parliament are voting. We want accountability in order to define our voting preferences. Will we elect some MEPs again?

Any of us have special cases in our life. MEPs are there for us. For making life in the EU easy, according to the EU values. We want the EU values to be realized. Our =>case relates to the destruction of the botanical garden in Vienna, Austria.

Here is an open letter to the MEPs

We want that the EU and the Member States to follow  laws and regulations defined by the EU. Today  even the EU is not following its own rules.


The Vienna authorities' standpoint.

all illigal but nobody does anything



Political context   our private context is defined by our landlords
Chancellor Sebastian Kurz acts in the framework of historical past Orban paved the way, now many countries, Austria, Italy  follow the  way. Our landlords  Wurst Ströck & Rechtsanwälte Partner managers of Wunderer Privat Stiftung work in the framework of the new and the old culture

Simon Shuster interviewing in Time

"At the end of last year, after leading his conservative People’s Party to victory in legislative elections, he agreed to govern in coalition with the Freedom Party, a movement founded by Austrian Nazis in the aftermath of World War II. "

Wunderer  Stiftung (Trust)
our botanical garden was destroyed by forces stemming 'from times years before  our arrival.

 our things were put in the tent which is now destroyed

we have informed our landlords on 03-12-2018
We have experienced the crowd entering our garden, intimidating us, putting us under presser all to get us out from the house.


Key topics

interview in Time Magazine
Austria's Young Chancellor Sebastian Kurz Is Bringing the Far-Right Into the Mainstream
  see our blog 
 perspective 2018 - 1968 - 1938 - 1918 -

demolition initiated by our landlords  Wunderer fund managed by Wurst Ströck & Rechtsanwälte Partner  


About us
and  background




I moved to Vienna taking an assignment at the United Nations, International Atomic Energy Agency and pursued diplomatic career in  the field of Nuclear Safety


Ich zog nach Wien, übernahm eine Aufgabe bei der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde der Vereinten Nationen und machte eine diplomatische Karriere auf dem Gebiet der nuklearen Sicherheit


In 2005 I have  received Nobel Peace Prize as part of the IAEA


2005 habe ich im Rahmen der IAEO den Friedensnobelpreis erhalten


I retired and being EU/Swedish citizen i decided to stay in Austria


Nach meiner Pensionierung bin ich als schwedischer EU-Staatsbürger in Österreich wohnhaft geblieben


To accommodate my collection of exotic plants I have rented a garden house from my friend Professor Dr. Siegfried Wunderer through “Wurst Ströck & Rechtsanwälte Partner"

Um meine Sammlung exotischer Pflanzen unterzubringen, habe ich von meinem Freund Professor Dr. Siegfried Wunderer über "Wurst Ströck & Rechtsanwälte Partner" ein Gartenhaus gemietet.


After Professor Siegfried Wundered passed away, attempts to get us out from our house started.


Nachdem Professor Siegfried Wundered starb, haben die Versuche  uns aus unserem Haus zu bringen, begonnen.


The house was denounced to the authorities as not conforming to the regulation imposed in 1996.

Das Haus wurde den Behörden als nicht konform gemäß der 1996 auferlegten Verordnung angemeldet.


Seeing that we are prosecuted, I have taken a loan and purchased a property in Sweden on an island with a mild climate and moved exotic plants there.


Als wir sahen, dass wir strafrechtlich verfolgt werden, nahm ich einen Kredit auf um einGrundstück  auf einer Insel mit mildem Klima in Schweden zu kaufen und habe die exotischen Pflanzen dorthin übersiedelt.


An order was issue by MA37 (Building Control) asking to bring the property to the state prescribed by the same authority MA37  (Building Control) in 1996 and to remove 61 sqm  of concrete (Beton) and the Veranda

Eine Verordnung der MA37 (Building Control) wurde erlassen, mit der Aufforderung, die Liegenschaft in den von derselben Behörde MA37 (Building Control) 1996 vorgeschriebenen  Zustand zu bringen und 61 m² Beton und die Veranda zu entfernen

2018 June/

The changes defined in 1996 were executed and the garden left in the disastrous state.
I am taking care of the aquatic biotope in Vienna and a botanical garden in Sweden.

Die 1996 definierten Änderungen wurden ausgeführt und der Garten im katastrophalen Zustand hinterlassen.
Ich kümmere mich noch um das aquatische Biotop in Wien und den botanischen Garten in Schweden



  "Die Vertreibung aus dem Paradies Garten", Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A wunderer 

The garden is dedicated to
Professor Dr. Siegfried Wunderer
Der Garten we lost
His house Vienna Peter Jordan Strasse 93 and in Kitzbühel
are now sold by the Wunderer Privat Stiftung//Wurst & Ströck Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft.  His daughter Claudia Dietel had to leave the family house
more info on prof Wunderer will come, including video  


  Professor Wunderer's house in the center, the ground worth about 1.5 million Euro. The entry to our house to the right
It is estimateded that the house could had been sold for Euro 800 000
It may happen that the hous could be resold for much more.


Political perspective We  live privately in a political context 
both perspectives are connected in a historically unique configuration
RED is private perspective
our old  botanical garden

We want a compensation  to carry on the botanical garden  project somewhere else
The neighboring mark which is smaller  is on the market for Euro 1.5 Millions.

the banner on top of our house in Vienna
how I learned that,  in many EU countries, the EU's values and rules are a joke and a bag of empty promises
the house we are renting is partially demolished

some forces want us out. An attmp to drive us away is underway.
senseless destruction of our living environment our plans and dreams
Since 2 years we are under pressure to leave our house.
click to see the old garden
political analysis

The worker left the garden in this state in July

the whole case study




 x  Included tweet steems
  What is going on  - Twitter account - @europe_id  
  European Identity Think Tank <=Scroll on
the right side



blog - perspective - key years 2018 - 1968 - 1938 - 1918 -

Read a transcript of TIME's interview with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz 
"At the end of last year, after leading his conservative People’s Party to victory in legislative elections, he agreed to govern in coalition with the Freedom Party, a movement founded by Austrian Nazis in the aftermath of World War II. "
"E.U. leaders have not ostracized Kurz or his coalition partners. "
Why is the EU elite looking through the fingers

EU elections 2019
updates weekly, contains Tweets

2019 EU's parliamentary elections 2018-09-14  
Dear Mr. Karas MEP and others MEPs. Many of you have voted to invoke article 7.1 against Hungary
How about watching failures of the Rule of Law in other countries. In some Member States part of the law is still from the feudal or dictatorship era. 

expelled to the Tent 

Pogrom 1938
  Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Pogrom 1938
Das offizielle Österreich hat am Freitag der Novemberpogrome des 9. November 1938 
  Kleine Zeitung

Austrian Politics 
We expect all countries in the EU to follow the EU rules
in Austria all information by default is secret 

one of possible constellations in Sweden,
on Jan 20. IMPLEMENTED as expected
Social democrats in center
liberals on the left
center party on the right 

in the head of the liberal democrat



in the head of the liberal democrat



Trumps tariffs adjustment and the EU 



 clumsy EU propaganda
under an assumption how stupid I could be



In some EU countries the time of dictatorship or feudal times is still visible in the legislation
the law of ochlocracy was used for the Jewish population in 1938
We will show below how ochlocracy is used in the past but also today to get rid of the botanical garden. Same law,  same habits - different circumstances  



Freedom of speech is fundamental for the Rule of Law
how posting of an e-mail with sexual harassment content in the Social Media brings the offer of harassment in the trouble.



How circumvention of accountability is possible in the EU



Transnational listsTransnational lists



Asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, economic migrants



Voting, no accoutability, no past vote data baseVoting, no accoutability, no past vote data base



EU, diversions of political accountability
the diagram below shows how the current division of electoral base leads to the following phenomena
- undermines democratic processes
- limits possible choices
- creates an "opinion corridor"
- obstructs control
- prevents accountability

How much my freind Timmermans cares 
we will explore soon 

9-th September - elections in Sweden 
Right extreme party Sweden Democrats got 17% votes but is totally isolated in the Parliament

E-mails and Fax to the Austrian Foreign Ministry
Mr. Schlesinger from the Austrian Foreign Ministry just
deletes an important e-mail regarding Rule of Law without reading it.  
To BMEIA, for Ms. Kneissl through Mr. Schlesinger
A letter to the Foreign Minister of Austria
RULE OF LAW - corruption structures force me to leave Austria for telling the truth, is it freedom of opinion - waiting for an answer?


THE CASE , on the red paper
[see below]
This how we learned how EU failed to deliver what we were promised

The  house we rent was built during the second World War by the Russians Prisoners Of  War
The house surroundings are demolished , veranda removed and thing stored into a tent
The garden  contains a  aquatic biotope with rare amphibians who come to the place each year in spring to reproduce
After the death of our friend and landlord  Prof Wunderer the intimidation is initiated to get us out.


The case below show deficiency of Rule of Law in EU's countries like Austria    
how small corruption works in Austria 
The deficiency of Rule of Law hinders effective defense against corruption
1. Since 2 years the Austrian Foreign Minister doesn't respond if the Swedish citizen can safety enter Austria, relates to point 2 below
2. Since 2 years the Association of Austrian Lawyers is not answering  the question if the Lawyer Group Telos is allowed to intimidate and threaten foreign citizens
3. Austrian Lawyer Group under threat requests removal of the information published in Sweden which is allowed under Swedish rules
4 Ochlocracy is still in use
5. Secrecy of all aspects of life prevents transparency and information acquisition
Wir wußten nicht, dass wir ein Nebengebäude mieten
Without knowing it, a not approved outbuilding was rented to us in 2009
MA37 Bescheid 1996
After demolitions of the veranda and the terrace the house is useless for protection of the plants.
A alternative and compensation are needed

The plan before 1996, the beton is marked yellow.
The room to the south is not cut yet.
the state before 1996, before house 97 was built    MA37 (building control) prescribed condition for our house 97-1A in order to allow to built 6 app. house nearby (became 8 app.) 
The plan from 1996 prescribing the allowed construction, the Terrace and Flugdach
beton was not removed
Even the latest demolition in 2018 has not removed all beton

Herr Senatsrat Dr Cech hat unseren temporären Winterschutz für unsere Pflanzen als rechtkonform bestätig
Mr Cech, the boss of the Vienna Building Control finds the way we protect the plants during the winter as conform to the rules.  
Brief von Herrn Senatsrat Dr Cech, MA37, 2016-06-22

Bescheid 1996
First  invitation to ochlocratic inspection (Bescheid 2016-06-21)
Baupolizei clandestine inspection, (Bescheid 2018-01-2018),


Easter 2018, before demolition
the house looked like
demolition in July 2018
After demolition in July 2018
the house lookes now like


destruction of my property


as anticipated in 2016, exactly the things has happened the way we suspected. To  get better price  we were an obstacle.
please read The Plot below
the yellow arrow shows the entry to our house 
  the currently requested price is around Euro 1.5 millions 
assumed sell price by the Wunderer's Stiftung 800 000
the property is marked yellow in  the section below "the Plot". The current house will be removed and the new mulit-appartment house built



DAS VORHABEN - THE PLOT - the suspected fraud (description)
What we suspected in 2016 is actually happening now in 2018, the neighboring house is sold and the trees are cut now (August 2018)
the neighboring house is built bigger then planned
to allow bigger house our perfect dwelling house have to be reclassified as an outbuilding,  a sauna,
KONSTRUKTEURE    ( AKTEURE ) -  wir sind unbeteiligte OPFER
Who is Who in this Macheloike
Definition of collaborator [Merriam-Webster]
"a person who collaborates with another: such as
someone who works with another person or group"


conducted by the building control with the participation of the crowd in order to put us under pressure
it is called ochlocracy - Déjà vu
2016-07-27 10:16:56 Inspection with the participation of the neighbor's house crowd, and house developers, see invitation list
here are some pictures from the security cameras
intimidation, threats started after the death of our landlord Prof Wunderer in Sept 2015
one wants to get us out see the plot and manipulation


we built botanical garden starting 2008
starting 2016 building bosses wanted to make money and move us out 
Here is how a lawyer group Telos tries to intimidate us 
we complained to authorities and the EU already in 2016
The EU is too weak, too frighten to ask for implementation of the EU values

Our landlord, Wurst & Ströck, rents us a house which is in an illigal state, The landlord did not put the house in the conditions prescribed  in 1996
Our landlord accepts unethical collaborators like Bontus
Bontus, Hausverwaltung, recruited by our landlord service our house.
Bontus lies, lies, lies



Upon denounciation by  Mathias Koffer House Verwaltung the MA37 reviews the state of the building.
The owner of the house has to reinstate the house to the state prescribed in 1996
Mr. Cech left
Mr. Ludwig, right,  previously reponsiblee for Vienna Building



The lawer firm Telos is used by Koffer House Service to intimidate and threaten us
Is this Rule of Law in Austria
complains to Vienna Lawyer Association are not answered since 2016



SVB Handels Gmbh steals electricity
Aktuelle Arbeit -SVB Handels Gmbh, demolition  started
The demoliton job is done by SVB Handels Gmbh recruited by Bontus House Service


intimidation and expulsion of the Botanical Garden


Das (Garten) Haus hat viele Geheimnisse
Im zweitenn
Weltkrieges  gebaut
Wir fanden
einige Texte in russischer Sprache
Da haben wir die Vergangenheit geschaut
Von Hand
Hinterblieben und andre Sachen
Es gibt noch viel
zu entdecken
Das Garten Haus hat viele Geheimnisse...
the house constructed during the second word war by Russsian prisoners of war.

- The house was build during the second World War. It was used as a regular house with all functions.

- Later the house was "re-labled" as a Sauna/Garden house a larger house was built in front and recived the same number i.e. 97. The new house is visible on the picture to the left.

- After retirement from the UN and International Atomic Energy Agency we stayed near the near the Agricultural University, Boku. My main purpose was to save and take care of some rare and exotic plants I have collected - a small botanical garden. 

- We share our life between Stockholm, Vienna and Italy/Tarquinia, (The Swedish King Gustaf VI Adolf used to excavate Etruscan sites around Tarquinia )

- The  gardening was also of a gréat interest of Prof. Wunderer (see his photo below) whom I have known previously as he treated my son. He took active part in the gardening activates.

 - in fall 2015 Prof Wunderer passed away.

- Some of the plants needed protection for the winter, we have provideded a temporary winter cold protections as descripbed on the following page

Due to the local demand for the land some action were taken by local developers

See the letter to Mr Sebastian Kurz below


the latest e-mail 2018-11-26,
E-mails to the Vienna Building Authority (more will come)



