Our House Service Bontus (Hausverwaltung) Bontus lies to us. in UK people lie too but they will be ignored and you can name it.  In UK there is  free speech not so in Austria (Verleumdung)  




    Mr. Ströck, Wurst & Ströck Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft (lawyers) please, please find another House Service which is not cheating so
Wurst/Ströck/Bontus let as know that we don't need to pay rent during the work-period.   Here Bontus tells us right tell us we didn't payt the rent.
Is it a joke?, otherwise what is it intimidation, cheating, fraud - or yet another bizarr game. How is it possible that a lawyer firm, our landlord, expose  us to such treatment. lies, fraud, stealing. all documented on the site.