All research show that the biorhythm is essential for the good health and well-being. The practical implications are that one should keep as regular life routines as possible.


When sleeping during a day try not to make it long, even couple of minutes helps. During the day do not exceed sleeping period of 20 minutes. After 20 minutes there is a risk of a deep sleep (sleep cycle) which lasts 1, 5 – 2 hours with a change pattern to the night pattern of the sleep i.e. one is reverting to deep sleep.


Short explanation is that the daily rhythm is steered by the state of hormones.  The way you live your 24 hour influences your hormone and the hormones influence your mood. If all this gets disturbed by irregular daily pattern the moods start to be “irregular” too.


It is good to wake up in a room which at morning gets a lot of light. The hormones are stimulated by the light even if the eyes are closed.


The core of the night 1:00 to 5:00 should be not disturbed by wake state – very important.

The major cycle sleep cycle is about 1.5 hours.