POLITICAL IMPLICATION OF THE CASE BELOW, letter to the Minister of the foreign affairs

Dear Madam,

Dear Sir,
Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
Thank you for your letter on behalf of Dr. Karin Kneissl, ref BMEIA-SE.4.13.08/0001-IV.1/2018 as an answer to my letter dated 13.02.2018
I think the issue is relevant for the BMEIA as it concerns the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Austria, please review the examples described on this site www.gardenius.com  The reference to this case (thousands of similar cased resulted in Brexit) will be used in the public and the Social Media ahead of the EU election 2019.
I am disappointed in the way the European Union protects the EU citizens in other EU countries all seen in perspective that  (I was an enthusiastic supporter of the idea of European Union) I reported to Carl Bildt how the political argumentation was carried out in Austria, ahead of the national EU referendum in Sweden. (Carl Bildt was probably the first Prime Minister in the World using E-mail, personally!!!) After many years, experiencing, manipulation, corruption and restriction of civic freedoms in many of the EU countries,  I am convinced that the Rule of Law and transparency are more developed in UK and in Sweden. I plan to use my experience in the elections to the European Parliament in 2019. I have full respect for the Austrian reality but the EU has promised us an integration of the legal systems of the Member States and protection within the borders of the EU. Is Sweden outside of the EU, then there is no need to use the EU standards as guiding principle, and no reason for disappointments. My disappointment is not with the Austrian or Italian or Spanish legal systems but with the inadequate implementation of the EU's values and standards. The work EU intended to do is not done as the case below illustrates. I don't want to complain about Austria or Italy or to change Austria or Italy - I want to provide arguments for Sweden to leave the EU in order to maintain freedoms, transparency and the high standards in the area of Rule of Law.